Celebration of Love and Affection
Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and affection. All around us, we have red hearts, red roses, red chocolate and more red. We are hearing love music and hearing about romantic love. But think about the definition of Valentine as celebration of love and affection. Is it necessarily romantic love and affection?
Relationships to Celebrate
It’s time to refresh relationships that are important to you. These include yourself, family, friends and significant others if you have one. This is not to invalidate the lonely feeling that some might have particularly if they would like to be romantically involved or of they just experienced a break-up or even if they are in an arid relationship.
How to Celebrate these Relationships
1. Acknowledge your feelings and that it is okay to want and miss not having a special person in your life at this time. Spend some quiet time assessing reviewing what you need to balance my inner and outer worlds.
2. Engage in activities you find soothing and nurturing (books, exercise, yoga, meditation, journaling, listening to music). Reduce social media intake.
3. Take stock of your relationships. Check to be sure you know what’s important to you in your relationships. Are you kind to yourself and others in your relationships?
Family and Friends
1. Remind yourself today and often. Who do you share love and affection with? List a few of them to connect with.
2. Share how you feel with a trusted family member or friend. Let them know you would like some company if you do want company. Plan activities with them or connect virtually if necessary. They might be isolating due to current pandemic or perhaps they don’t live nearby.
3. Send cards, texts, or call some family members or friends.
Service to Others
1. What are you passionate about? Consider random acts of service this Valentine’s Day. Volunteer some time/talents if you do not wish to be alone or with friends/family.
2. Send a note to a co-worker.
3. Plan to randomly share something of yourself (listening ears, smile, or compliment).
1. How can you be kinder to yourself?
2. How can I be kinder to others?
Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day however you choose to celebrate love and affection not just on Valentine’s day but everyday.
Thinking about refreshing your relationships?
Contact Embrace Mental Wellness at https://nebraskatherapist.com/contact/
We assist adults with tools and strategies to create healthier relationships with themselves and others,