Throughout our lives we experience the loss of loved ones and friends. But there is no greater loss than that of a child. And it doesn’t matter what age that child was, the loss is profound.If you’ve experienced a pregnancy loss, you are most likely more
Do I Have the Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?
According to the American Pregnancy Association, 70-80% of all new mothers experience what’s called the “baby blues", while only 10% - 20% suffer from postpartum depression. With so many women experiencing some form of emotional upheaval after giving more
Does Your Partner Have Postpartum Depression? 5 Signs to Watch
The birth of a new baby brings joy and wonder into our lives. But for many women, the first days and weeks after delivery are mentally and emotionally challenging. This is a result of the massive hormonal changes her body is going through.On top of more
Recognizing the Signs of Postpartum Depression and Getting Help
The birth of a child is a wondrous and glorious thing. Until you bring that baby home and are responsible for keeping it alive on zero sleep for weeks and weeks. Add to this already trying scenario is the hormonal cocktail the new mother is living more
What Postpartum Depression Can Feel Like
It’s a few days after you’ve given birth, the celebratory phone calls are still coming in all you feel is sadness all the way down to your gut. Although the emotions are unexpected and less than welcome, postpartum depression can be common among new more